Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Evaluation on my position paper, research paper and the module

17th posting

6.45 p.m. 3rd September 2008

From the evaluation that I have done, I have found that despite Miss. Emily's wrong doings, we are carried throughout the story without hate or resentfulness towards the character. Faulkner carefully gets our sympathy as if it was sort of fate that befall Miss. Emily, which carried on till her death. She is portrayed as a woman of substance, with strong will power and grit. She finally poisons her boyfriend, Homer Barron and lives and sleeps beside his corpse, holding on to the past as in the death of her father. Miss. Emily's character stands out as status symbol in her community.

On the other hand, in 'The Storm', we are given the chance to identify human feelings that head towards terrible outcomes in terrible circumstances. The way the story goes is pretty clear. Holy matrimony between couples is a sanctified agreement but then sex, lust and love don't seem to synergies at times. This is one of the major weaknesses of human beings when it comes to feelings which have been clearly shown to the readers by the author's choice of words and their strong word power. All of us have come across storms of many sorts at some point of time in our lives but the only thing that is obvious or shall I say is shocking, is the laid back attitudes of the adulterous couples in taking their sins committed very lightly. Even generally when we readers know this is wrong, we are forced to accept whether we like it or not that these circumstances are uncontrollable and sometimes bound to happen in a society and it is very much here to stay as this is part and parcel of life that we sometimes have to face. Offences committed in circumstantial situations whether they are done by consenting adults or otherwise, always deemed to question our opinion and challenge our judgement. So it is up to us to weigh the pros and cons of certain things considered offensive in order to navigate our lives more meaningfully.

There are more to my evaluation. So, keep on reading..

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