Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Final posting

20th and final posting

11.45 a.m. 4th September 2008

Well, all good things must come to an end. I had a real fun time exploring, finding out and explaining from what I went through while in the midst of completing my EDU 3234 assignments. I have successfully come up with my thesis statement and five points of argument for my position paper. I am happy with the thorough research I have done on Kate Chopin's 'The Storm' for my third assignment and also explaining about Dr. Edwin' module. It is most exciting when I actually have to blog and tell you guys all about it!

I hope any reader who reads my blog will find my postings wonderful. Readers out there! Don't skim and scan okay, just enjoy reading each and every posting at your own pace. I hope that all of you would gain information that would encourage you to read the two short stories by yourselves. I'm positive that you guys and gals out there will have a blast of a time reading. I hope Dr. Edwin would feel the same way too.

A rather hard work, I would say. Till then take care and bye.

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