Friday, August 29, 2008

My findings about the theme in ' The Storm'

6th posting

Hi! What a wonderful day. I am as excited as I have something to say about the theme in Kate Chopin's 'The Storm'.

The theme of this story is about the general attitude towards sex, love and marriage. The main character portrays naturalism in human life. Kate Chopin is exposing this element in 'The Storm'. We might not like the situation but reality prevails in society all the time. This is a fact that everyone has to face as it happens all the time in someone's life at some point. It could even happen or could have happened to somebody whom we love or close to us or who is important to us. In 'The Storm', Calixta and Alcee are a man and a woman who not only commit adultery but who also got away without a trace of guilt or a sense of remorse. When we read with awe, we must not forget that these things do happen and even if it sounds despicable we ought to accept this sought of act as a fact in human life as it is a natural action no matter how unacceptable it is or it may sound.

I will catch up with you later with more information about Kate Chopin's 'The Storm'. Till then, take care and bye.

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