Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kate Chopin's 'The Storm' - That's a Wrap

11th posting

1.15 a.m. 1st Sept 2008

Gosh! Look at the time! But I am not sleepy yet, you know.

Before I wrap up my research on Kate Chopin's ' The Storm' and move on to William Faulkner's 'A Rose for Emily' which I have done for my position paper, let me summarize the main events for easy understanding.

In the story ' The Storm', we are first made aware of the impending bad weather. Due to that, Calixta's husband, Bobinot and their son, Bibi were not able to go home as planned but forced to stay back at the store. In the meantime, at home, Calixta becomes aware of the storm and gets ready while, Mr. Alcee Laballiere rides in for shelter. Calixta is unaware of another kind of 'storm' which is about to hit her.

Even though in the beginning, Mr.Alcee and Calixta are very civil to each other but as the storm progresses, one touch leads to another and they become intimate. They recall a short fling in Assumption five years ago when Calixta was unmarried and later due to mutual attraction, had a passionate affair. Calixta and M'siur Alcee parted as the storm ends. Calixta's husband, Bobinot together with their son, Bibi came home expecting Calixta to be over scrupulous as usual, but on the other hand, she seemed concerned and only happy that they are back safely. They had a small celebration with the shrimps Bobinot had bought for her. In the mean time, Mr. Alcee writes a loving letter to his wife Clarisse to stay longer at the bay and that he is getting along well and misses her and their children. Kate Chopin leaves us to infer the underlying meaning of that 'loving letter'.

Well that's about it for the research paper that I did on Kate Chopin's ' The Storm'. I must say I had a wonderful time reading this short story over and over again, all for the sake of my fascination on Chopin's diction. I am always at awe as to how Chopin put her words depicting all the details very clearly and in a very real and spontaneous tone. As I am reading page by page, I just didn't have any idea as to what's going to happen in the next line because of the suspense and thrill that she puts into her story in the way she did.

Sleepy or not, I have to retire anyhow. Will start telling you about my position paper after some hours okay.

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