Sunday, August 31, 2008

The other significant characters in Kate Chopin's 'The Storm'

10th posting

4.50 p.m. 31st August 2008

Hello again.

I have been explaining about many issues in Kate Chopin's 'The Storm' but I guess I have overlooked on the other vital characters which have not been given due importance but only given the 'touch and go'. The characters that I am talking about are that of Calixta's husband Bobinot, their son Bibi and the person, where least attention has been given to, Clarisse who is Alcee's wife. All readers will agree that Bobinot is a dutiful and a loving husband. The moment an unexpected storm sets in, he re-enters the store and buys a tin of shrimps which is his wife's favourite. That shows his deep love for his wife. It is as though he wants to make up for not being there with her during the turbulent weather. Poor fellow, he's so naive when it comes to his wife's adulterous ways. Well, it's not his fault anyway. He has never seen the other part of her character before. She has portrayed herself as a dutiful wife at all times. That little son of hers, Bibi, he too always thinks about his mother when he questions his father about how she would be coping during the storm. The little one also never fails to think about his mother especially her safety when some kind of uncertainty befalls and separates them temporarily on that day. Such are the humble traits of the two. We must not forget about Alcee's wife who has just given birth to Alcee's babies. She is a victim too. She never came to know about her husband's adulterous ways. These are the very people who became the innocent victims of this story. Alcee is also an important character even if he only comes briefly in the story. But one must not forget as he is the biggest storm that has hit the whole family by seducing Calixta that led her into being an adulterous. Why I say so is because during this storm, Calixta betrayed Bobinot for the first time or probably for the last time too. Well, this is really up to the readers to infer whether this is the last time she would betray her husband. Alcee actually comes for shelter but he had other agenda as to fulfill his lust. He cleverly seduces Calixta by invoking the burning passion in her for him that had been dormant after her marriage to Bobinot, knowing very well that both of them are committed to their respective spouses by the sacred vows they have taken.

Signing off for now.

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